Thought Leadership

Welcome to our ecosystem

23 September 2019

At Pagabo, our ecosystem plays a part in everything we do. Because of this we are always looking to develop it from all angles.

We are regularly working together with suppliers, clients, contracting authorities and external stakeholders to create a shared, collaborative environment that benefits all. This includes sharing pipelines and collaborating with one another on projects and good causes.


Who makes up our ecosystem?

We have a number of stakeholders within our ecosystem who we encourage to work together to make our frameworks a success for all.

Our suppliers and contractors are supported with business cases and a pipeline of work which we share with them on a regular basis. Our clients also benefit from our support, helping them to get the very best outcomes for their projects.

SMEs are another key part of our ecosystem. As an SME ourselves, we recognise them as an important part of the construction industry. To show our commitment, we have reserved places for them on all of our frameworks

Our contracting authorities also benefit from our support with a percentage fee from all projects put through our frameworks going to them directly, which they have agreed to use on specific initiatives and good causes.

Our strong commitment to seeing our ecosystem grow means we now have a dedicated person in place who is responsible for this, our Ecosystem Coordinator.


Our Ecosystem Coordinator

Meet Will, who’s taking up this new challenge.

After a successful period at Pagabo as Marketing Intern, Will has taken up a new challenge as the dedicated person for our ecosystem and a resource for all within it.

Will visits suppliers & contractors, attends events and develops relationships through collaboration.

As National Framework Partner for Built Environment Networking, we have developed an excellent relationship which allows us to attend networking events up and down the country. Will provides us with a presence at many of these events helping Pagabo to grow and further develop our ecosystem.

This relationship also provides us with a ticket allocation for each event which we reserve for all within our ecosystem.

The High Streets Development Conference on October 30th is fast approaching and an event we have reserved a number of tickets for.

Taking place in Kensington Town Hall, this event is set to bring together the construction and property industry alongside the public sector to drive investment and regeneration to revitalise high streets across the UK.

For more information on our frameworks and how they can support you, click below.
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