Pagabo Named NHS Accredited Framework Host as Standard Contract Guidance Changes

We have been named as one of just 20 nationally accredited framework hosts under new guidance for NHS trusts.
Under the guidance, there will be two accreditation processes introduced. The first, for framework hosts, will be necessary for continuing to work with the NHS into the future.
We join a select group of organisations, inclusive of the NHS’ own frameworks, which have passed the rigorous standard checks across 18 framework standards required to be accredited from the outset of the newly consolidated framework system.
The move follows the launch of the Central Commercial Function (CCF) in 2022, which aims to simplify the route to market for NHS buyers, reduce regional NHS operated frameworks and give trusts more autonomy and access to innovative products and services.
With the NHS spending an estimated £30 billion on third party goods and services every year and working with more than 80,000 suppliers, the move also intends to ensure the framework routes used are delivering the absolute best value for money.
Following a period of consultation resulting in changes to the Standard Contract, from 1 April 2024, NHS trusts and foundation trusts will be expected to use the newly accredited framework hosts and categories, as and when each framework category is accredited, when purchasing goods, services or works.
Jason Stapley, chief procurement officer at Pagabo, said: “When looking closer at the NHS’ spending, it’s estimated that £25 billion of its yearly spend is via frameworks – so it’s clear to see why it’s so important procurement routes are simple to navigate and deliver on value.
“When done right, public sector procurement can hold the key to unleashing the true potential of critically important projects and infrastructure, along with accessing goods and services. However, with increasing scrutiny and tightening budgets, as well as other pressures such as environmental, ethical and security concerns rising in importance, it’s putting procurement even further under the microscope for our public sector clients.
“This is a landmark move from the NHS seeking to further innovation, quality and the simplicity essential for the modern market. We’re incredibly pleased to be in such a select group of accredited organisations from the outset of changes and look forward to continuing our work with both NHS England and NHS trusts up and down the country.”
Our suite of public sector frameworks have been used by more than 55 NHS trusts. This includes facilitating the procurement of key schemes such as a £70m Care Environment, Development and Re-Provision (CEDAR) programmefor the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Trust, which was procured through our Major Works Framework.
To learn more about the NHS accreditation programme, visit:
Discover our frameworks