Torbay Council appoint development partners using our specialist framework

Torbay Council has chosen Willmott Dixon and Milligan as development partners to accelerate ambitious plans to stimulate new town centre growth in Torbay by regenerating several sites in Torquay and Paignton.
Willmott Dixon and Milligan were procured using our Developer Led Framework which has enabled the council to benefit from both company’s development management, funding and construction skills to take forward projects that have already been awarded Government funding.
Jonathan Parker, Development Director at Pagabo, said: “We’re proud that Torbay Council have chosen to use our Developer Led Framework to deliver this exciting development. Since the start of the framework, it has been a trusted route for the public sector to help them deliver many transformational developments. This scheme is testament to all parties wanting to work in a collaborative manner to deliver real change to the Torbay area and Torquay Town Centre.”
The partnership’s purpose is to reshape town centres, improve public realm, increase town centre living, repurpose excess retail and vacant shops and improve the connectivity between towns. These developments will bring confidence, create jobs and homes, and improve the council’s ability to sustain its services.
Cllr David Thomas, Leader of Torbay Council, said: “This is an exciting announcement that will see a step change in our ability to deliver these schemes. We are absolutely focused on accelerating the much-needed regeneration projects to ensure Torbay continues to thrive as a place to live, work and visit.”
Chris Wheeler, Regional Head of Land and Development at Willmott Dixon, said: “Willmott Dixon is proud to be part of this significant partnership with Milligan and Torbay Council, and we are looking forward to working together to create a catalyst for change across the Bay, continuing and building upon the Council’s inspired ‘Torbay Story’ corporate vision.”
Everyone at Pagabo is delighted to be playing a part in this development. We’ll be keeping a close eye on how it progresses.
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